Thursday, September 17, 2009

bryantfacts changes purpose of blog, deletes posts

The infamous twitter and wordpress accounts of bryantfacts that were subsequently revealed to be operated by Navigator have been turned 180 degrees.

The blog has been once again re-dressed, and post have been deleted. However, the original content has been recovered via google cache. It has changed radically from:

"The purpose of this blog is to quickly correct inaccuracies as they appear with factual responses. This is not a repository for news releases, statements or other traditional communications products."


"used for the release of any official statements"

a similar re-branding of the bryantfacts twitter account occurred.

The posts from bryantfacts propagated certain factual inaccuracies, repeating a provably incorrect statement of events from police at the morning after press conference. Perhaps they are beating a retreat, in fear of legal reprisals... Lest we forget, the past is as mutable as the truth to these spin-sters.

--- once again the past has been preserved here --- bryantfacts original blog follows:

Re “Privilege is good,” National Post (09/10/2009)

National Post letter writer David Burn today said: “[Bryant] was not, however, charged with the one charge that he is more likely to be found guilty of: leaving the scene of an accident.” According to police, however, Mr. Bryant parked his car and called 911: “Burrows said the driver parked his Saab convertible in a hotel driveway at Avenue Road and Bloor Street and called 911.” (Metroland, 09/02/09).

The truth about allegations

The police have dismissed the allegation that Mr. Bryant fled the scene of the accident. Mr. Bryant and his wife pulled off the road and immediately called 911. Police have also dismissed any suggestion that Mr. Bryant was intoxicated.
There is an ongoing investigation by the police and by a special independent prosecutor, Mr. Richard Peck, from British Columbia. At this point neither the police nor Mr. Peck has offered specific comments on the investigation. As such, any speculation by third-parties remains just that: speculation.

Inaccurate, one-sided video commentary

The “narration” in this YouTube clip is one-sided opinion and contains multiple inaccurate assertions, some which have already been dismissed by police (e.g. leaving the scene. In fact, Michael Bryant immediately called the police). But of course, any objectivity is totally undermined in the first five seconds: a shot of a man claiming the deceased had been “murdered.”

A record correction site for Michael Bryant

From the beginning, there have been numerous erroneous assertions and speculation pertaining to Michael Bryant which have appeared online and in the mainstream media. The purpose of this blog is to quickly correct inaccuracies as they appear with factual responses. This is not a repository for news releases, statements or other traditional communications products.

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